Sunday 8 June 2014

How Reusable Plastic Bags Will Next Arsenal For Retailers

Plastic bags although they are regarded as harmful, they might be the next selling point or an arsenal for the retailers. 

You must be wondering how? 

Well, with more and more government agencies, manufacturers and consumers wishing to curb the abuse of plastic, retailers might use this as their arsenal and promote their brand in the good cause.

Reusable Shopping Bags

With reusable shopping bags and biodegradable containers, retailers would now freely propagate their use to consumers. Preventing the abuse through financial penalties have helped some countries eliminating the use of plastic and paper bags, but with retailers using such flexible packaging solutions, more customers would not mind using them freely.

With more and more retailers even curbing the use of paper bags, being more harmful than the plastic bags , consumers have no option left than going green with the new type of bags. 

Some retailers have started imposing charges for the use of bags, but rather than pinching consumers’ pockets, asking them to use a biodegradable solution or reusable bags is wiser. 

Some retailers have also joined hands with the Government and manufacturers for incentivizing the customers on using the new type of plastic bags that decompose in the soil easily.

Custom Reusable Bags

While the bags are reused, they can still be used as a promotional vehicle to promote the brand and can be used for even promoting the company’s logo, taglines, etc. 

Some retailers have started going the other way, not directly promoting, but rather showing the hazardous effects of global warming and how their using of plastic shopping bags will double the impact and create issues for the upcoming generations. 

Some manufacturers have started with the CSR activities wherein they are explaining people about the various issues with different kinds of plastics and how using reusable bags will make the environment eco-friendly.

Some retailers have also started adapting to this arsenal because of the changes in laws and regulations. If the retailers are not abiding by the laws and promoting the use of plastic or giving it away for free, they might be fined or their license can be canceled. 

Some retailers, therefore, are creating CSR programs with government agencies so to ensure the programs met the regulations and they actively abide by the laws and promote the welfare by usage of flexible biodegradable packaging solutions.

Reusable Bags At Bulk

Apart from the aforementioned tips, there is a lot more that retailers aim to contribute to mitigating the challenge of growing global warming. 

Some of the retailers are now using reusable plastic grocery bags as an arsenal for carrying glossaries and then asking users to reuse them for a variety of other purposes before disposing of them. 

They also ask them to dispose them in accordance with the laws and not pollute the landfills.

Going forward, it is very clear it will be a symbiotic association between retailers, manufacturers and the government to work in tandem and curb the abuse of plastic and promote to reuse the bags and resort to bio solutions.

1 comment:

  1. I am also using custom printed plastic bags to promote my business but I also make sure that those plastic bags are reusable. I also make sure to remind all the customers that it is better to reuse than throwing it anywhere.
