Monday, 30 October 2017

Reusable Shopping Bags – The Fashionable Way To Shop Eco-Friendly

When it comes to shopping bags, plastic is what first comes to mind. Plastic bags are durable, came virtually free with the groceries, and upon usage, could be easily discarded. However, disposable plastic bags come with their own set of problems. Large amounts of disposed plastic bags were now flooding trashcans, landfills, roadsides, riversides, and sometimes even in the heart of the ocean. These plastic bags, which are non-biodegradable, cannot be assimilated back into the natural world and have over the years been clogging and polluting the environment around us, wreaking havoc on the quality of land and oceans, killing animal life on land as well as water, who end up eating them, with drastic effects. The best way to steer clear of negatively impacting the environment when it comes to the ‘plastic problem’, is to reuse the shopping bag!


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